
What are the E-Commerce Photo Features in the UK?

soap photo shoot

To best showcase your products in online sales, we have shared the dimensions and specifications for e-commerce photography in the UK because online shopping is very important, but what customers don't have in this case is to touch and feel the product before they buy it. Therefore, they rely heavily on product photos before buying the products. This means that product photos directly influence the buying behavior of customers. To put it simply, as online sellers for commerce in the UK, it is very important to show your products in the best light with high-quality photos. Here are the dimensions and specifications for e-commerce photography in the UK...

1. Amazon

Photo of e-commerce in the UK

Amazon, the most important e-commerce site established in the US, is an American multinational technology company focusing on digital streaming and artificial intelligence. With such a large site, it is important that your photos are of good quality and the right size. Here's what you need to know about e-commerce photography in the UK:

  • Amazon recommends using sizes larger than 1000 pixels on a single side.

  • Amazon's recommended minimum image size for the longest edge of the image is 500 pixels.

  • Amazon's recommended maximum image size for the longest edge of the image is 10,000 pixels. This gives a range of 500 pixels to 10,000 pixels for one side, which is very wide.

  • Amazon recommends using a 1:1 square image with dimensions of 2000 x 2000. With these optimized dimensions, Amazon allows maximum zoom or an aspect ratio of 5:1.

  • Image zoom capabilities start when the image is at least 1000 pixels on the longest side and 500 pixels on the shortest side.

  • The maximum file size for each image is 10mb.

  • You can use JPEG, TIFF or GIF files, but JPEG is the preferred and best Amazon image file format.

  • It is recommended to crop the photo well with limited white space to maximize the size of the product.

As an example, below we have shared a video we shot for Amazon. If you want to see more of our videos Our Youtube channel you can examine.


2. Ebay

Photos of e-commerce in the UK

Founded in the US, eBay is a popular e-commerce platform in the UK, as it is around the world. Related to Ebay for a photo of e-commerce in the UK:

  • When you list an item for sale on eBay, you must include at least one image. The first image you add, called a gallery photo, appears next to the title of your item in search results and is the main photo in your listing. You can add up to 12 images.

  • Check that each of the files is no larger than 7MB in size. If you are copying from a web address, the photo may be 12MB.

  • Photos should be at least 500 pixels on the longest side, but we recommend aiming for 800-1600 pixels on the longest side. Our photo uploader can take images up to 7MB in size

  • Make sure your image has not expired or been archived. eBay keeps photos for 90 days

  • If you have problems adding photos, make sure you are using one of the accepted file formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF or BMP).

3. Etsy

e-commerce photo in the UK

Etsy, founded in the United States in 2005, Etsy is a worldwide online marketplace where people come together to sell and buy products. Etsy's criteria for an e-commerce photo in the UK: 

  • The recommended size for listing images is 2000 pixels and 72PPI resolution for the shortest side of the image.

  • Images with a file size larger than 1 MB may not complete the upload, especially on a slower internet connection.

  • The minimum size required for mini shop banners is 1200 x 160 pixels. The recommended size is 1600 x 213 pixels.

  • The minimum size required for large shop banners is 1200 x 300 pixels. The recommended size is 1600 x 400 pixels.

4. Folksy

Photo of e-commerce in the UK

Folksy is a British brand that has made a name for itself outside the UK. E-commerce photo criteria in the UK for uploading photos to Folksy:

  • images on item pages can be in square, landscape or portrait format. Images must be at least 642 pixels wide. Images must be saved as jpg or png files.

  • You can add up to 5 images per listing. Folksy Plus sellers can add up to 10 images to each listing.

  • Keep file sizes under 2.5MB wherever possible, otherwise you may find that they are slow to upload. Images over 5MB will not be uploaded.

In addition to your product photos, having industrial shots showing the production process of your products also earns the trust of your customers. This kind of shots, Industrial & Automotive & Industry You can review it on our page.

You may also prefer to leave your photos to be taken for e-commerce sites in more confident hands. If you want an e-commerce photo in the UK, LUX Photography Video Production, with 17 years of experience, makes professional photo shoots so that you can better promote your products. Contact us for detailed information and to make an appointment. bilgi@luxproduksiyon.com You can reach us via e-mail. At your service around the clock Whatsapp Line you can contact us directly.