
Everything About E-Commerce Photography!

E-ticaret fotoğraf çekiminin en temel amacı, ürünlerinizin e-ticaret için reklamını yapmak için en etkili yöntemlerden biri olarak satışlarınızı artırmaktır. İnsan beyni duyduklarından çok gördüklerini anlar ve hatırlar. Araştırmaya göre, tüm müşteriler gördüklerinin veya algıladıklarının %80’ini ve okuduklarının %20’sini hatırlamaktadır. Ürün fotoğraflarınız, görseller söz konusu olduğunda e-ticaretin en önemli yönüdür.

Good e-commerce photography will help you sell more than you expect. That's why we have compiled all the information about product photography for you in this article. For more detailed information, you can check our useful blogs below. 

What is E-Commerce Photography and Why is it Important?

 The product photographer captures images to show products in the best possible light, so that they look similar to how they look to the naked eye and appeal to the customer. Marketing campaigns, product pages and even social media posts can benefit from product photography. E-commerce photo shoot is a word that describes product photography for e-commerce retailers. Since online customers don't have the advantage of seeing the product in person, they have to rely on product photos when deciding whether or not to buy. E-commerce photography is very important if you want to win a sale. Now that we have information about e-commerce photo shoot, let's examine e-commerce product photo shoot in more detail! 

If you also need e-commerce product shots, contact us today. All our shootings Our Instagram Product Account and Our websiteYou can reach us at 

1. It allows you to show your products clearly.

The first reason why you should do an e-commerce photoshoot is to show your products clearly. You want customers to be able to see your products, how it looks, how big the size of the product is, what kind of color they can see, etc. When you provide just a mock-up design of your product, there is a high chance that your customers will be disappointed with the product they receive. If you provide a real and high quality product photo, customers can accept your product and what they will get next. This is why real product photos can provide clarity to your customers.

e-commerce photo shoot

2. Enhances your brand.

What is your eCommerce website known for? What do customers know about your company? Have you ever tried branding for your e-commerce website? Providing real product photos can help you develop your branding so that people recognize your e-commerce website. You can try to make an e-commerce photoshoot that fits your company story . For example, we can take it from the very basic, which is the color of your e-commerce logo. You can make the e-commerce photo shoot with the background of the color of your logo or put some elements with the same color. This way you can stand out more for your potential customers.

e-commerce shooting

3. Increases your sales.

E-commerce that offers high-quality product photos on its website can significantly increase sales. Customers can see the details of the products they want to buy, instead of just reading the product description. As a tip, you can also try hiring a model to do an e-commerce photo shoot. When you use a model for, say, fashion e-commerce, customers can imagine what your product looks like in person. 

white background e-commerce photo shoot

4. Optimizes the e-commerce website.

Many people still don't know that product photography can help optimize e-commerce websites and that's why you should start offering product photos on your e-commerce website. You only need to add the product photos to the website and then enter the image file names using a relevant keyword. Your e-commerce website will be shown on the first page when someone types the keyword of your product. This is how you can gain more visitors to your eCommerce website.

When you are going to upload your product photos to your website or e-commerce site, there is some information you need to know about the photos. You should definitely take a look at our blogs on e-commerce photography, where we have compiled this information according to the country you live in!

Creative Ideas for E-Commerce Photo Shoots

1- Using a Model

If you work with textiles, jewelry, grooming and beauty products, hiring a model is essential to realize your product photography ideas. Using a model can give customers an idea of how your products will fit on them. They will find it easier to understand the size and shape of the product and thus their confidence in the product will increase. Tricks for Modeled E-Commerce Shooting You can get more detailed information on this subject from our blog.

modeled jewelry product shoot

2- Symmetry

Symmetry is one of the most powerful photographic composition techniques. Such compositions are very pleasing to the eye and easy to grasp. Symmetrical compositions are all about balance and equality. So, when creating a product photo, make sure that all sides of it are evenly balanced.

e-commerce photo shoot

3- Using a Stand

Placing products like jewelry on stands is a great way to add dynamism to a photo. If you want to learn tips on jewelry photography 10 Essential Tips for Photographing Jewelry you can check our blog. The tactic of using a stand is also used in technical makeup product photography. 7 Tips for Professional Cosmetics Product Shooting You can also get information about cosmetic e-commerce photo shoot on our blog.

e-commerce photo shoot with decor

4- Adding Texture

Consider adding texture to your product photography ideas by placing products in sand, snow, grass, grass, stone, wood, water, etc. A textured background is great for branding and expressing a mood.

5- Trying Lifestyle Shots

The key to a successful product shot is to get your potential customers to imagine themselves using the product in your photo. A buyer interested in purchasing a table to furnish their home will have a hard time imagining themselves using the advertised table against a white background. Alternatively, with the help of lifestyle product photography they can easily imagine themselves eating at the advertised table. You can also group several of your products in lifestyle shots.

If you want to get more detailed information about Lifestyle photography 6 Tips for Taking Decorated Product Photos You can check our blog.

lifestyle product shooting

6- Stopping the Movement

Motion is a great way to get stunning photos as it allows you to capture images that the human eye cannot see. You can create splashes with water, sand, dust or anything else you can think of.

cosmetic product shoot Istanbul

7- Showing Content

Showcasing a product along with its content is an important step to be transparent to potential buyers and make a successful sale. This tactic is used very often in food photography. Also, if you are interested in food photography, you can check out this blog:

decorated product photo shoot

8- Involving People

Another interesting product photography idea is to include some body parts like hands or arms. This can complete the image with an element of mystery. You can use this idea to show how the product should be used, or you can add creativity by making the hand seem to come out of nowhere to grab the product.

still life product shooting

9- Using Reflections

Reflections add depth to an ordinary shot. You can create a reflection effect by applying Photoshop reflection actions or try working with mirrors and glass. Use colored filters on your lights to enhance the reflection or adjust the color as needed. Shooting with objects that have reflections is difficult. Here are some tips that we believe will make shooting easier How to shoot shiny products? you can take a look at our blog.

Why Don't You Consider a Product Video?

If you've just launched a new e-commerce company, adding a product video to your marketing strategy is a great way to increase consumer trust in your brand and product. Fifty-eight percent of online shoppers think e-commerce companies with product videos can be trusted, and 45 percent of consumers said they would revisit an e-commerce company's site again simply because they have product videos on their page. Consumers even said they would consider companies with a product video 12 times more than those without. Not only that, 57 percent of consumers are more confident (and less surprised) by the products they order after watching a product video, so they are less likely to return the product.

All these statistics are enough to show how important a product video is. If all of this wasn't enough, the truth is: having a high-quality product video makes you look impressive, you care about quality, and you put in the work to make your product stand out. Product videos literally bring your products to life and there's nothing more appealing to a potential buyer than visualizing what it's like to use/own your product.

In addition to e-commerce photo shooting, having a product promotion video shot will affect your sales very positively. Our product videos Youtube Channeland you can also read our other articles about product promotion videos:

E-Commerce Photography Qualifications

Together with product photos, product specifications or a written description, it represents the product to the online shopper and provides them with information about the product.

Quality e-commerce photography has evolved with the popularity of online shopping and has become essential for businesses large and small. Good e-commerce photography allows third-party sellers and self-hosted e-commerce sellers alike to represent their products on platforms and online stores, as well as sales allows them to increase their productivity.


The standard for e-commerce photography is direct photography of a product. While product photography can vary and run the gamut from professional to competent, certain qualities are considered the industry standard for online retailers.

  • E-commerce photography includes clear images of the product. Products are well-lit and images meet the resolution standard of the e-commerce platform.
  • Photos have traditionally been taken of the product against a white background or other simple background to distract and focus attention. Some e-commerce sites require a white background.
  • The product fills most of the space and is the focal point of the photo. Cropping the photo highlights the product front and center.
  • In addition to a simple image of the product, photos can show various angles or parts of the product, such as the back, open and closed, hardware or close-ups. This allows the customer to better understand the product.
  • Advanced e-commerce product photography can also include lifestyle and in-use product photos to show the product in use, or 360 rotation product photos showing every angle of the product.

jewelry shoot

How to Do E-commerce Photography?

Preparation Phase

Before you start taking the photos you will use, you will need to prepare for the photo shoot for a completely smooth process. This stage is crucial for any kind of photography, not just e-commerce photography, as it helps you go through the process in advance. First of all, depending on the product you will be shooting, you will need to prepare the product for the photo shoot. For example, if it is an item of clothing, make sure it is completely clean and ironed; if it is a technological device, check for any scratches, dents or screen smudges. Generally, act as if you are preparing your products for display on store shelves and make sure they are in mint condition.

Apart from product preparation, make a list of the items you want to shoot and how you want to shoot them. Without a written e-commerce photo shoot plan, you might miss some items or angles you want. Also, if you are going to use any props for your photos during your photo shoot, such as flowers, add them to your written list. Once the missed poses and angles are realized after the shoot, they are likely to be completely removed from your online store.

Set the background

If you've done any online shopping, you may have noticed that many products are pictured before a white background so that you can see the item more clearly. You should go through this process thinking about exactly that; a clearer image. First of all, you will need a smooth background material. Photo shoot tents and boxes will be perfect for this, but any monochrome fabric will be fine if you are looking for a budget and quick alternative. Regarding the background color, white is always the safest option as it clearly highlights the product placed in front of it. But if you avoid neon or overly bright, saturated colors, you can also consider other colors to attract your product.

In addition, some products, such as furniture or decoration items, may look best in their common position. For example, shooting a table or chair on a plain background can mislead your customers as it is difficult to understand the size and shape of the product. Therefore, include some photos with normal backgrounds to give your customers a better understanding and creative ideas about your product's placement or use cases.

jewelry photo shoot prices

Finding the perfect lighting

In general, a natural light source provides the best result when it comes to e-commerce photography. However, it's often not possible to shoot outdoors using the sun as your light source. In this case, your camera's flash will work just fine. However, there are some things to be aware of when using an artificial light source. First of all, direct light often creates unwanted reflections on products with shiny surfaces, such as leather shoes or clothing, glass products, screen products, etc. Therefore, you need to soften your light with a softbox, diffusion paper or an umbrella. 6 Tips for Leather Shoes and Bags Photo Shoot You can review these details on our blog.

Using a direct light source can also cause unwanted shadows to appear in your photos. You can edit shadows later in your post-production process, but using a diffuser also helps with distracting shadows, as a diffused light source doesn't produce shadows as clearly as a direct light source.

Taking a photo

Once you've made all the preparations, decide on your background and set up your lighting; taking the photo is the easy part. Of course there are things to consider, but it's a simple process. Start shooting the items you have written down in a list. Check the photos occasionally during the process. If possible, transfer them to a device with a larger screen and ensure that the positioning, lighting and background match your product. Don't forget to take photos from various angles as it helps customers see your product in detail before they decide to buy. You can even take a 360° photo by slowly repositioning your product before a flat background when shooting items with small details, such as jewelry or accessories.

Post Production

Even if you've executed your plan perfectly and had a flawless photo shoot, chances are your images will need a touch-up before you're done. Fix overly bright colors, adjust exposure, check for out-of-focus images or anything else that might distract the viewer, and resize your photos so you can use them together in your e-commerce app or website. When editing the colors of your photos, remember that creating a unified look across your photos will look more professional. So, try not to overdo any color editing and try to achieve similar vibes across your photos.men's hair product shoots

All the photos on this blog were taken by us, LUX Production team ❤️
If you are planning to shoot in the most experienced e-commerce photo studio, we are at your service around the clock for e-commerce photo shoot prices and detailed information. Whatsapp Line you can contact us directly. For questions, requests or suggestions, please contact us at bilgi@luxproduksiyon.com You can reach us via e-mail.