
How to Take Better Social Media Photos | 6 Tips

Tips for Impressive Social Media Photos

We all use social media now. Instagram in particular stands out for its powerful photo sharing features, complete with powerful editing tools and a long list of nifty filters. If you're an active social media user but want to make your photos look a little more polished, don't worry. There are a few simple tips you can use to start taking stunning social media photos that are guaranteed to garner likes like a magnet. It all starts with taking a well-framed photo, followed by choosing the right enhancements to help it stand out without being visually distracting. Here are 6 important tips for taking better social media photos!

1. Understand the light.

Light, the most important factor in photography, is becoming the most important factor for better social media photos. It's important to balance the light because too much light will make the colors in your photo look washed out, and too little light won't make for an engaging social media photo. To solve this problem, you need to understand light. For example, if you are in a restaurant, take note of which side the sun is coming from. This way you can decide which light from which window is more favorable for the photo, and whether the midday light is too bright for your photo. Also, natural lighting will help you avoid harsh contrasts and grainy, underexposed gaffes, so choosing natural light may be better for your social media photos.

How to Take Better Social Media Photos?

2. Give importance to the background.

Beautiful walls and tiled floors are the candy of social media photos, especially Instagram. For beauty products, a white background is the safest bet, but everything from wood to marble to placemats adds texture. That's why using a variety of backgrounds in your photos gives your account a completely different feel. Make sure the background is appropriate for your photo and doesn't distract from it. Small details like a stranger passing by or trash on the ground can ruin your photo.

How to Take Better Instagram Photos | 6 Tips

3. Organize less.

Add a light touch with tools; you don't want to distort your photos too much. For a more authentic feel, skip Instagram filters. You can use apps with more natural effects instead. When in doubt, go for the bright photo because brightness sharpens the picture and makes the colors more striking.

How to Take Better Instagram Photos | 6 Tips

4. Consider the color.

When it comes to the color palette in your images, fewer colors say more. You can get natural photos by using close colors and more striking photos by using contrasting colors. For this, you can type "color wheel" in the search engine and see what opposite and close colors are. For example; you have prepared a plate for your Instagram photo. You can choose a simpler plate because choosing a bright, patterned plate can make the photo look too busy.

How to Take Better Instagram Photos | 6 Tips

5. Take close-ups and shots that reflect you.

If you position yourself too far away, your perspective will appear distant and disconnected. Close-ups are more interesting because they show a greater closeness between you and your subject. Also take care to portray yourself accurately and as you really are in the photo you take. Be the same in your social media photos as you are in real life.

How to Take Better Instagram Photos | 6 Tips

6. Create the right composition.

Great social media photos capture an emotion or a story and lead the viewer to the subject of the photo. The key to this is to create a desirable composition. This is why When taking photos, composition is what will help make your social media photo better. You can achieve this with the "rule of thirds". In short, the rule of thirds is the positioning of the main objects in the photo at the points where the human eye pays attention at first glance. To do this, the frame should be imaginatively divided by two horizontal and two vertical lines at equal intervals and the main elements of the photo should be placed at the intersection points of the lines.

How to Take Better Instagram Photos | 6 Tips

In addition to all these suggestions, if you want a professional shoot for your social media photos LUX Photo Video Production, with 17 years of experience and well-equipped equipment, is ready to take your most beautiful photos in our studio in Berlin. Our professional personal shooting page and take a look at the photos we have taken and contact us for an appointment. bilgi@luxproduksiyon.com You can reach us via e-mail. At your service around the clock Whatsapp Line you can contact us directly.